2002-2006 - Greece & Luxembourg: Information Systems Specialist, National Administration of The Ministry of Fisheries

Regional harmonisation of information systems in monitoring, control and surveillance of (MSC) activities in the coastal states of SADC. Duty stations were Maputo and Luanda.


Provided technical and equipment based institutional capacity building and development through scheduling a programme of activities in support of MCS activities to the Industrial and semi-industrial Fisheries which included the training and use in VMS, GIS & GPS.


Planned and equipped a centralised operation room and produced general operational procedures and practices as written manuals.


Developed and implemented national databases (Access, MSQL) for MSC activities.


Produced and presented technical papers on MSC-IS procedures for presentation at regional meetings and workshops.


Budgeted the work plan activities and controlled expenditures in line with EU funding policies and was a signatory for Mozambique’s Project and Service fund accounts (€2.28M).

Author: AivazovskyFlag-map of Luxembourg