On completion of his degree Ted moved to Southern Africa and while based in Mozambique worked in the development sector transferring his skills to local employees in the National government, who were supporting small-scale fisheries along the coast. Later he supported the implementation of Information Systems through institutional support to the Mozambique Ministry of Fisheries in an EU-funded Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) of Industrial fisheries a project which looked to harmonise efforts of fisheries controls in the coastal states of the SADC region. It was through this project that Ted saw the benefits of introducing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a management tool and user platform in the management, control and reporting functions of fisheries observers who were deployed on Land Sea and air. On completion of the contract, Ted once again returned to the UK (Portsmouth) to Study for his MSc in GIS… on its successful completion, Ted returned to Mozambique where he set up his own company “TSIG” working on temporal, spatial data and in the development of customary land rights recordation building systems for field recordings and stakeholders and leveraging state support for small landholders in both Mozambique and Zambia through USAID funded programmes working with traditional land rights of small landholders.